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Showing posts from 2019

Hi It's Me!

My Super Informal Intro: I started my first post out with a GIF showing how my blog is going to work.  It's going to be messy, because to be real with you.. I have no clue what the hell I'm doing with this blog. It's going to be how I feel about things, from movies to people, to politics, just everything in my life.  It's going to be my thoughts, feelings and hopes and dreams.  List of things that make me happy or sad. Just all things me. I'm not really looking to write to an audience but my blog isn't private so if people come through and like it, well that's just great. I'm writing for me.This is by no means going to be organized, or grammatically correct in anyway. I'm sorry to any people who are very anal about grammar. I'll try my best. Why I decided to make a blog:  I found myself writing my feelings and thoughts in my notes on my phone. I have a crap-ton of notes of things I'm thinking about and just what I'm f